Donating blood is one of the charitable ways to share your good health with others. Each unit of blood you donate can save the lives of up to three people. However, you might be concerned about this question i.e., “Can I play badminton after donating blood?”. Blood banks always recommend to refrain from vigorous exercises until a day after donating blood, and it may vary depending on the intensity of your game and type of blood donation.
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Can I Play Badminton After Donating Blood?
No, you cannot play badminton just after donating blood. According to the doctors at a blood bank, a blood donor needs to have a good meal, rest for at least a day, and do not exercise vigorously.
Donating blood is an easy and quick procedure, but that does not mean you have to go to play right after donating blood. Badminton is a high-intensity game, and after donating blood, you are not supposed to play badminton. An intense workout can put you at risk of dizziness, nausea, and even fainting.
Donating blood can affect your performance, but the other day, you can play the game with a moderate level of intensity. It is suggested to maximize the intensity of your game after 1 to 2 weeks of donating blood to overcome the adverse effects of it.
What Happens When You Donate Blood?
When you donate a single unit of blood, then you lose up to 10 percent of total blood volume. Blood consists of fluid and elements, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the whole body, including muscles.
The replenishment of red blood cells takes more time around four to six weeks. The reduction of red blood cells can interfere with your ability to play badminton. Less red blood cells in the blood also reduce the capacity of oxygen-transfer in your body.
What are the Types of Blood Donation?
The most common type of blood donation is the “whole blood” donation, but some choose to make a partial blood donation, which includes donating plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
- Red Blood Cells: The cells help in delivering oxygen to working tissues. More the RBCs, the more oxygen can be delivered, which enhances your ability to work. It can be donated if someone experienced a severe blood loss to keep his organs alive.
- White Blood Cells: These cells help in fighting infections caused by bacteria, viruses, germs, etc. Donated cells are given to patients to improve their immune system.
- Plasma: Plasma is the water-based netting that contains other blood parts like red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and proteins. Donated plasma can last up to one year in its frozen state. Plasma can be used for blood transfusions and can help in manufacturing products for blood deficiency diseases like Hemophilia.
- Platelets: Platelets gather around the injury when the blood vessel is damaged. It activates the plasma clotting factors to stop bleeding. Donated platelets are frequently given to cancer patients during their chemotherapy treatments and routinely given to burn victims and patients who have undergone heart surgery, organ, or bone marrow transplants.
Can You Work Out or Play Badminton After Donating Blood?
It is recommended to give your body a chance to replenish the fluid portion of your blood that you have donated. You do not have to sit ideal on the chair, and do not have to do the intense workout or play fast-moving games. You have to keep your body moving with light-weighted exercises and brisk walking. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you to avoid dehydration.
As a badminton player, your performance will be affected after donating blood, but in some days, you will be able to overcome it with nutritional food and fluids. Endurance training depends on your body’s capabilities of generating energy and carrying oxygen to your body through the blood. After donating blood, you need to regain your strength. If you have given red blood cells, then you have to be more cautious about your playing schedule.
What are the Tips to Keep in Mind After Blood Donation?
There are some of the essential tips that you must keep in mind after donating blood. It helps you to recover your health and play badminton with excellent performance.
- Eat Food: Eat food that is rich in iron because it allows your body to maintain the blood-iron level again. Low levels of iron in your blood can cause fatigue and dizziness. You can even observe the signs of pneumonia because of low blood iron levels in your body. You need to take iron supplements to maintain the correct iron level in your blood.
- Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is very important when you have drained your blood. Dehydration symptoms include dizziness and nausea and are the side effects of giving blood.
- Get Rest: Donating blood can leave you tired and sluggish. You need to rest properly after donating blood. If you have not appropriately slept after donating blood, then your body may suffer from severe fatigue.
When Will Your Performance Recover?
It is possible to play badminton again, after donating blood with the same athlete’s intensity. After donating whole blood, it will take roughly three weeks to recover properly. And if you have donated red blood cells, then it may take about 4 to 6 weeks to recover. At least, you have to give yourself 24 hours to regain your strength and your plasma to restore. Allow yourself to hydrate and feed well immediately after donating blood.
Final Thoughts
The answer is yes to the question that people ask continuously that “Can I play badminton after donating blood?”. But you need to give some time to regain the strength and play it with excellent performance. You must drink plenty of fluids and take 24 hours rest after donating blood. High-intensity exercises can cause fainting and make you feel tired a lot. Donating blood will make you feel great and proud, as you are saving someone’s life.